Are You Feeling Lonely Or Isolated?

Connect with other women and helpful facilitators in our empowering women's programs in Toronto.

If you long for more support, friendship and social interaction, you are not alone. Loneliness—which can be as bad for your health as smoking, according to health officials—has been on the rise since the pandemic. In fact, six in 10 young women said they often wish they had someone to talk to, but don’t, according to one Angus Reid Institute study. These are just a few of the reasons why North York Women’s Centre offers one-to-one support and free programs that create community, facilitate friendships and help lift women, women-identifying and non-binary individuals out of isolation.

“NYWC program participants and volunteers have formed wonderful connections through our events and programs,” says Iris Fabbro, Executive Director of North York Women’s Centre in Toronto. “People really appreciate how our team listens and provides support, too. That’s important, particularly for those who are more prone to isolation such as new Canadians, older women, 2SLGBTQ+ and racialized individuals, as well as those with mobility challenges.”

Indeed, people underestimate how powerful friendship, companionship and a listening ear can be in terms of boosting happiness, lowering stress and improving health and longevity.

Offering Support, Alleviating Distress

If you’re a woman who is feeling isolated, struggling to find healthcare, housing or daycare or experiencing violence at home, it can feel like there’s nowhere to turn. That’s why NYWC offers non-judgmental and confidential one-to-one support, to listen and to act as a bridge connecting you with appropriate support services in Toronto and Ontario. (Learn how this support has helped others!) Women can access these services by calling or texting 416-781-0479, emailing or making an appointment to visit the Centre at 116 Industry Street.

Having someone to talk to can be a lifesaver, especially when you consider that women are two times more likely to experience anxiety and depression than men, yet face more barriers in getting care.

Connecting Women, Fostering Friendships

There are many ways to meet people and make new friends through North York Women’s Centre. Some women choose to volunteer as a way of getting out in the community, helping people and meeting new folks. Others visit the Centre or attend our events. Our free online and in-person group programs for women—which cover topics like building confidence and work readiness—also allow individuals to warmly connect and share their experiences with each other. (Read what women say about us to learn more.)

NYWC staff, participants and volunteers would readily agree with creative writer Shanna Rodriguez, who says, “The great thing about new friends is that they bring new energy to your soul.”

Curious about NYWC? Read about our organization, guiding principles and team members, bookmark our volunteering page and connect with us

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